YES BIO - 100% Biodegradable Packaging Brand

YES BIO - 100% Biodegradable Packaging Brand

Yes! Bio Biodegradable Straws – Choose Better for a Sustainable World

Did you know? Regular plastic straws we use daily can take hundreds of years to decompose, causing severe environmental issues. But you can help change the world with Yes! Bio straws, made from natural materials that decompose within 6 months

Why choose Yes! Bio straws?

  1. Made from 100% natural and biodegradable materials: Yes! Bio straws are made from 100% biodegradable materials, including tapioca starch, which decompose without leaving harmful chemicals in the environment. In contrast, regular plastic straws are made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource that pollutes during production.
  2. Decomposes within 6 months: Yes! Bio straws decompose within 6 months when buried in soil, unlike plastic straws that take hundreds of years and can damage ecosystems when discarded in the sea or rivers.
  3. Safe for food contact: Yes! Bio straws are FDA certified, free from harmful chemicals, and safe for use with beverages, unlike some plastic straws that may contain harmful chemicals like BPA that can leach into liquids.
  4. Ideal for cold drinks: Yes! Bio straws are designed to perform well with cold drinks like soda, iced tea, or smoothies, whereas plastic straws may not withstand prolonged use with cold beverages.

Join us in making a change for the environment. By choosing Yes! Bio straws, you are helping reduce plastic waste and promoting sustainable products. Continuing to use plastic straws only adds to non-degradable waste and harms nature. We can all participate in solving this problem by simply switching to Yes! Bio straws. Every time you use one, you are doing something good for our world.

Yes! Bio – Choose Better for a Better World.



SMS Corporation Company Limited


02-598-1128 / 063 192 2704


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