YES BIO - 100% Biodegradable Packaging Brand

YES BIO - 100% Biodegradable Packaging Brand

Faculty of Science, Naresuan University Partners with SMS Corporation

From May 13-18, 2024, the Faculty of Science at Naresuan University had the honor of hosting the 23rd National Physics Olympiad. This year, the Faculty of Science collaborated with SMS Corporation to introduce the Yes! Bio cup, an eco-friendly paper cup that is biodegradable, to promote environmental conservation and reduce plastic waste.

The use of Yes! Bio cups at the event garnered significant interest and support from participants. These cups are not only environmentally friendly but also reflect a commitment to promoting sustainable and eco-conscious living. This initiative aims to raise awareness about environmental issues and encourage sustainable practices, fostering a sustainability mindset among students and attendees.

The collaboration between the Faculty of Science at Naresuan University and SMS Corporation to use eco-friendly paper cups at the 23rd National Physics Olympiad adds a new dimension to the event and inspires participants to take better care of the environment in the future.



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