YES BIO - 100% Biodegradable Packaging Brand

YES BIO - 100% Biodegradable Packaging Brand

Dr. Veerawat Lertwanawattana Highlights Green and Circular Economy at NRCT Open House

On June 6, Dr. Veerawat Lertwanawattana, CEO of SMS Corporation Co., Ltd., took the stage at the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) Open House. He participated in a discussion titled “Success Case: Research to Industry and Sustainability,” focusing on the theme of the Green and Circular Economy to Sustainability.

During the event, Dr. Veerawat emphasized the urgent need to transition from a linear economy to a circular economy, where resources are reused, recycled, and repurposed to minimize waste and environmental impact. He highlighted the importance of collaboration among researchers, industry leaders, and government agencies in driving this transformative change.

At the event, Dr. Veerawat introduced YES BIO, an innovative product developed by SMS Corporation researchers. YES BIO is 100% biodegradable and recyclable, representing a significant advancement in reducing plastic pollution by offering a sustainable alternative for society.



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