YES BIO - 100% Biodegradable Packaging Brand

YES BIO - 100% Biodegradable Packaging Brand

Cradle-to-cradle: Yes Bio – The green products

Green products are becoming a trend in the business world, replacing plastics and foams that are difficult to decompose with materials that are natural and environmentally friendly. These products are not only made from natural or eco-friendly materials but also designed and produced with environmental considerations in mind.

Starting from Design to Sustainable Products:

The key principles of Green Products start with design, adhering to the 4Rs:

  1. Reduce: Minimize waste generation from production processes, transportation, usage, to disposal. 
  2. Reuse: Design products that can be reused multiple times. 
  3. Recycle: Choose materials that can be recycled. 
  4. Repair: Design products that are easy to repair.

Environmental Packaging:

Environmental packaging refers to products made from natural plant fibers such as sugarcane or paper, which can decompose without leaving pollutants or chemicals. This includes plates,

bowls, cups, and straws, making them ideal for food and beverage businesses requiring temporary packaging solutions. Yes BIO products consider both environmental and consumer needs. When disposed of, they decompose 100%, reducing recycling costs. Turning to environmental packaging is a solution that addresses waste decomposition issues significantly. Therefore, using environmental packaging is an excellent choice for the food and beverage packaging industry.



SMS Corporation Company Limited


02-598-1128 / 063 192 2704


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