YES BIO - 100% Biodegradable Packaging Brand

YES BIO - 100% Biodegradable Packaging Brand

Plastic Out! The Urgent Trend of ‘Food Packaging’ Must Adapt

Trade Policy and Strategy Office (TPSO) has revealed findings from a market study on packaging during the COVID-19 pandemic, showing significant global growth in the first quarter of 2022, totaling over $110,985.7 million USD, a 13% increase. This growth is divided into exports valued at $57,813.5 million USD, up 14%, and imports valued at $53,172.2 million USD, up 12%. Key importers and exporters include the United States, Germany, and China.

This surge is driven by changing consumer behaviors, with people increasingly opting for healthier lifestyles and more convenient food consumption. As a result, the demand for food packaging has significantly increased, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) between 2024-2033 of 5.3%.

Businesses must adapt to meet consumer demands, with three main points identified related to packaging characteristics.

  1. Food Safety and Health: Consumers seek packaging that ensures food safety and meets high health standards.
  2. Sustainability: Packaging must promote sustainability and be environmentally friendly.
  3. Global Differences in Eco-Friendly Packaging: Consumers in different countries have varying preferences, with those in the United States and Europe favoring paper boxes, glass bottles, and glass cups, while consumers in China, Brazil, and Indonesia prefer compostable or recyclable plastic film and paper packaging. However, In the eyes of consumers worldwide, environmentally harmful packaging refers to packaging that contains a combination of plastic, paper, and aluminum foil, or flexible packaging such as pouches for snacks, bags for frozen foods, and bags for liquid detergents, among others.

Sustainable products are increasingly popular, prompting Thai businesses to adjust to consumer behaviors and maintain product quality to remain competitive in the global market.



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